
This policy is valid for the Seerecruit.com domain, and describes the rules and
routines for how SeeRecruit.com handles personal information related to the use
of Seerecruit.coms web services and web pages.
SeeRecruit.com: Web pages
SeeRecruit.com collects general statistics regarding webpage visits from visitors
(both signed in and not). This is collected automatically from the webserver, and
contains a visitors IP number, country of origin, the pages viewed, time of visit,
type of browser and OS used. We collect no other data from a general visitor to
our web pages.
SeeRecruit.com Web Services
General: Any information stored in SeeRecruit.coms database is in compliance
with Norwegian law and the Personal Data Act (PDF), and we are registered with the Norwegian
Data Inspectorate (homepage). The Personal Data Act regulates and
helps ensure that personal data are processed and stored in accordance with the
right to privacy, including protection of personal integrity.
1) For job candidates:
The personal data stored by our customers (your possible future employer/existing
employer) about you, are given voluntarily by yourself when applying for a position.
The data stored will typically be your name, date of birth, contact information
and other information you write in your application.
Only the employer will have access to your data, in addition to certain senior members
of our technical staff. Other employers or job applicants will not gain access to
your data. Once you have applied for a position, you can NOT log back in and change
your data ? which ensures excellent data integrity and protection of your personal
data. The employer can not change your personal data either.
Your data (given when applying for a position) will only be stored for a short amount
of time, generally until the position is filled and the employer does not need your
personal data anymore. We will not, under any circumstance, distribute your personal
data to a party other than your employer. You will only hear from us via automatically
generated e-mail receipts from our web server when applying or taking the analysis,
or in rare circumstances should your data need amendments of technical reasons.
If situations demand that we need to view your data, we will comply with both the
Norwegian Data Act and the internationally approven standards of personal information
protection. Any research or statistics we will do for internal use or marketing,
based on some of your data, will be completely anonymized, like for example how
many job applicants there has been in a given timeframe. Be assured your personal
information is always treated with confidentiality and respect.
Access to your data: You have the right to gain information about your personal
data and demand their deletion at any time. If you need your data updated, or need
information about what is stored, you may contact our support staff at support@seerecruit.com.
Note that we will not give out any information unless verified by you personally
and with your signature on it. Simply calling us and ask about your information
will not suffice. We recommend you contact your future employer and send them additional
or updated information you would like them to have. SeeRecruit.com takes no responsibility
for transfer of data between you and your employer outside SeeRecruit.com, neither
how your data and information is treated internally in their company.
2) For clients (employers)
Please read the above paragraphs regarding how we store information about job candidates.
We will only store the information needed for you to use SeeRecruit.com efficiently,
information you have given us when becoming a subscriber. In addition, our database
will contain the last time you made changes to your subscription or expanded your
subscription. We do not store account numbers or credit card numbers, social security
numbers or other sensitive data.
When using SeeRecruit.com, your login information is secured by self-expiring "cookies".
A "cookie" is a small file related to your browser, and can not be used to reveal
the users identity. If you forget to log out of SeeRecruit.com, others will not
gain access beacuse you are only granted access for a certain amount of time after
your last activity.
We still recommend that you log out of SeeRecruit.com when taking a break, as this
is a good routine for any web service. Nobody can access your account without your
personal username and password, so keep your login information secure.
Contact with SeeRecruit.com: You will generally only hear from us with automatically
generated messages from our server regarding your subscription. We will contact
you only if it is vital to give you necessary information regarding your subscription,
updates or other technical issues.
Disclaimer: Other websites
This policy regulates only SeeRecruit.coms domain, and not other domains
we may link to. This policy is valid from january 2006. Comments or questions about
our personal information policy?
Contact us

SeeRecruit.com have no responsibility for decisions regarding applicants and employees
which are taken solely or partially based on the analysis in SeeRecruit.com.
profile analysis are given as general characters and the profiles provided are a
direct result of the answers given by each candidate.