Why you should take this analysis
Only when both your personal and professional qualifications and skills match the
specific company, team and position, can you truly develop and benefit from your
individual resources and talents. It's vital both for yourself and your employer
that the two of you match. Not only as far as your professional education and skills
are concerned, but also regarding your personality and the company culture. The
analysis makes it possible for your future employer to gain insight in your personality
What the SeeRecruit.com analysis is
The SeeRecruit.com analysis is a tool to discover your personality profile.
In other words, a way to get to know a person beyond the information the application
provides. The analysis consists of different questions you answer by marking how
well the keywords describe you. There are no correct or wrong answers; your honest
answers simply represent your personality. This is exactly what your future employer
wants; to get to know you as good as possible during the recruitment phase, in order
to find that you and the actual position are a good match.
What the SeeRecruit.com analysis is NOT
The SeeRecruit.com analysis is not an in-depth "personality test".
It doesn't grade you or your answers, and it's not a measurement of "good or bad"
or personal "quality". The SeeRecruit.com analysis is merely one of several tools
used in the selection process, in which the face-to-face interviews often turn out
to be the most important.
How to take the analysis
You will find four different sections named A, B, C and D, each consisting of a
number of tasks and questions. Please read the introduction to each section carefully,
to make sure you fully understand how to answer each part.
Be spontaneous when you answer, remember it's your natural self that should be mirrored.
You will need approximately 20-25 minutes to complete the analysis.
Finish each section before you proceed to the next.
After you have completed the analysis
After completing the application and then answering the tasks of the analysis, you
submit by clicking on the "Calculate"-button. You will immediately see the personality
profile corresponding to your answers on-screen. Entering your
e-mail address when you fill in the register form will forward your analysis
to your e-mail adress as well. (Note: this is not applicable if you're just trying the
analysis without loggin in).
Your application and/or profile is simultaneously distributed to the employer. We will
appreciate you telling us how the given profile match in your own opinion, by entering
your comments in the feedback box below your profile report.
We wish you the best of luck with your application!
If you have any questions regarding how to use SeeRecruit.com, please feel free
to e-mail us at support@seerecruit.com.
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